The Andersen family

Zuri and Baby Andersen | Nov, 2022

Five-year-old Zuri was born with congenital heart disease. Her specific diagnoses are atrial septal defect (ASD), severe pulmonary hypertension (PH) and tricuspid regurgitation (TR). All this means that…


5-year-old Zuri, in need of heart surgery
Remaining surgery cost for the Zuri - $2,557

Five-year-old Zuri was born with congenital heart disease. Her specific diagnoses are atrial septal defect (ASD), severe pulmonary hypertension (PH) and tricuspid regurgitation (TR). All this means that her heart condition is quite complex. Zuri has five siblings, one of whom passed away as an infant. As a newborn Zuri was very weak and kept in the hospital for three weeks. This was a heavy blow on the family’s small income which comes solely from the father doing migrant work. The next step in Zuri’s care is a heart catheterization procedure to determine the best course of surgical intervention for this sweet girl.



The Andersen family with their adopted baby

Remaining adoption cost for the Andersens - $7,000

Back in August we shared about the Phillips family and their adoption of baby Andersen who has Down syndrome, club feet, and AVSD (no chambers in his heart). We are happy to report that they are home now, but still need funding for baby Andersen’s adoption. When sending your donation, please put “Phillips Family” in the memo. Please keep baby Andersen in your prayers as he’s quickly approaching a major surgery to re-build the missing chambers in his heart.


Every donation helps!


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Room to Bloom’s mission is to promote the beauty of adoption and to ascribe dignity to people with Down syndrome and other special needs. We do this by partnering with organizations that are dedicated to orphan care and adoption advocacy, strengthening families who have children with special needs, and giving a voice to the vulnerable.




Interested in Adoption?

The process of adoption can be quite complex and confusing. If you have any questions about adoption, please contact:
Judy Williams | Adopt Global Services | 800-957-9384 | 2046 Rushmore Ct., Bel Air, MD 21015
Caring for Kids, Inc. | 800-254-1725 |

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