Closeup of Auden

Some Wonderful News | May, 2021

A FAMILY SAID “YES” TO AUDEN!     You may remember little Auden from the cover of the January 2021 issue of Plain Values (he was also featured…




Two images of Auden, who is finally adopted!
Little Auden has finally been adopted!


You may remember little Auden from the cover of the January 2021 issue of Plain Values (he was also featured on this page in the February 2021 issue). We are overjoyed to report that a family has said “yes” to adopting him! Unfortunately, due to recent events, China has closed its doors to adoption travel. However, as soon as China opens those doors, Room to Bloom will be ready to assist Auden’s new family in bringing him home!

For those who missed Auden’s story–he was originally admitted to Anhui Healing Home in October of 2015 when he was eight months old. Born with Down Syndrome, he also suffered from malnutrition. He gained weight and strength rapidly and was discharged into foster care in 2016. Unfortunately, when foster care was discontinued province-wide, he was returned to the orphanage where he began to regress. His orphanage allowed him to return to a China Healing Homes Program in November of 2019. At first, he was withdrawn and unresponsive. After a few months, Auden started doing well in the program and slowly began making developmental gains. We are beyond blessed to play a small part in allowing this little man to continue blooming!




Brighton sitting in his blue wheelchair
Brighton, sitting in his wheel chair, is able to attend school!


The December 2020 issue of Plain Values featured the family of Horace and Phyllis Leister in the Eldoret area of Kenya, Africa. There they started the Tumaini Children’s Home and currently foster a staggering forty-four children!

One of their precious foster children, Brighton, has had to battle through a number of challenges in life. However, through your generous donations, he has been able to attend school! Horace recently picked up Brighton for his first-term break and the difference in him was more than evident.

To quote Kelly Nussbaum, a close supporter of Horace and Phyllis, “He looks so good and has done beautifully! Please pass this picture and the good news on to his supporters! He will be home for four weeks and we are so glad to see him! As you can see, his house mother (green shirt) has grown quite attached to him. She loves him very much! God has answered so many prayers for Brighton. Thank you Jesus!”


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Room to Bloom’s mission is to promote the beauty of adoption and to ascribe dignity to people with Down syndrome and other special needs. We do this by partnering with organizations that are dedicated to orphan care and adoption advocacy, strengthening families who have children with special needs, and giving a voice to the vulnerable.

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