
words by: Nic Stoltzfus   Lester Miller was frustrated. He was working with his logging crew to pull trees out of the woods with a twelve-volt high-power winch…


words by: Nic Stoltzfus


Lester Miller was frustrated. He was working with his logging crew to pull trees out of the woods with a twelve-volt high-power winch on his logging cart, but the batteries they were using weren’t strong enough to keep up with the work. Lester and his crew went through up to eight lead acid batteries a year, and he was tired of constantly having to replace the batteries. Plus, it seemed like it was an unnecessary expense. Wasn’t there something better out there on the market that could handle the heavy amperage? So one day on the way home from work, he asked his driver to Google “best batteries on Earth.” The result that his driver came up with was a new and upcoming kind of battery promising to replace lead acid batteries: lithium. 

Excited to see if they would work, Lester ordered some lithium batteries, but they didn’t work well. Undeterred by this, he bought his own lithium cells and assembled his own batteries. These batteries worked much better, and he found that they could handle the heavy amperage for the winch better than the old lead acid batteries. 

His friends found out about what he had done, and they asked him to build batteries for the work they were doing. Pretty soon, Lester found himself assembling forty to fifty batteries a month in his shop at home. People were impressed by the quality of the batteries, and Lester realized that there was a strong demand for a high-quality lithium battery. He realized that there was enough demand that he could make batteries full-time. However, he had his concerns: he was newly married, and he didn’t feel as if he had enough saved up to start his own company. Besides, his dream was to own his own sawmill, not start from the ground up in a different industry! But Lester saw that it was a good time to get into the battery market: many Amish were transitioning away from propane and natural gas to more efficient energies and cost-effective energies such as solar, battery, and LED lighting. So, in 2017, Lester left his job at the logging company and started MillerTech.

He started out making 40-amp lithium iron phosphate batteries. Like other lithium batteries, they put out a high amperage and last a long time. From the very beginning, Lester decided that it was important that he make a battery that was based on quality first and foremost. He knew that it was easy to make a cheaper battery and not tell the customers about it, but he was reminded what his Dad told him growing up: “Lester, if you’re not honest, people won’t be honest with you.” 

Today, MillerTech has expanded beyond just selling lithium batteries; they are a wholesale distributor of renewable energy products. Their mission is the same now as it was from the beginning: to provide the highest quality products possible at prices that make sense. 

When experimenting with developing high-quality lithium batteries, Lester realized that you had to have high quality every step of the way. Many lithium batteries are produced in China, and Lester did his research to find out which companies produced the highest quality Grade-A cells. As a result, all MillerTech batteries are sourced from two of the top five Chinese lithium battery manufacturers. The batteries may be manufactured in China, but they are designed by MillerTech here in America. Each battery is manufactured according to MillerTech’s rigorous specifications.

In particular, MillerTech’s premium lithium batteries are backed by a five-year warranty. Lester Miller realized that, in order to have longevity in the batteries, it is essential that you not cut corners.

For customers who don’t need a premium battery for high-cyclical applications, MillerTech has developed an economy line. These batteries are just as safe as the premium line and are backed by the same level of safety precautions. MillerTech’s economy batteries are backed by a three-year warranty and are good for 1500 cycles. 

Another innovation in the market MillerTech has provided is with using lithium batteries as solar batteries. Many solar installations are still using lead acid batteries, but these types of batteries are inefficient: they lose energy and take longer to charge. MillerTech’s batteries are 98 percent efficient and charge quicker than the lead acid batteries. In addition, there is not as much heat build-up, which makes them safer and at less risk of starting a fire.

MillerTech Energy Solutions has expanded beyond the battery market, with a focus on renewable lights. 

One of their bestselling lights are their renewable-battery headlamps. Built with an aluminum frame, with bright LED lights that are highly visible and clear to see, they come backed with MillerTech’s 5-year-warranty and up to 1,000 charges.

Instead of having to worry about the constant expense of buying AA or AAA batteries for your headlamps, all you need to do is continue to recharge the same battery. Now in its second generation, these lights have a USB-C charging port, which is more heavy-duty and proven to charge better than the old USB ports. 

A new product that MillerTech has developed is LED directional lighting. Instead of using the corncob style bulbs that shine bright light directed outward, MillerTech’s LED directional lighting is focused on only lighting up the area where you need the most light. This way you can use less energy and still light up the area you need lit up just as well. 

One of the promises that MillerTech has for its customers is that all products manufactured and distributed by MillerTech Energy Solutions have a warranty ranging from 1 to 5 years, with all MillerTech premium lithium batteries backed by their five-year warranty. With MillerTech you can rest assured, that if by chance, you have a warranty claim, it will be solved with an honest, understanding, hometown approach.



To request a catalog, order a product them, or inquire about dealership opportunities, give them a call Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm EST, at (855) 629-5484.

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