Exciting Progress on Juneberry Hill Schoolhouse

We are excited to announce that the building process is finally underway for Juneberry Hill Schoolhouse! Marlin and Lisa Miller are reimagining school for their children. Homeschooling has…


We are excited to announce that the building process is finally underway for Juneberry Hill Schoolhouse! Marlin and Lisa Miller are reimagining school for their children. Homeschooling has served their family well, but they desire to create a community of learners where kids can learn and grow alongside one another in a multi-age, fully integrated one room schoolhouse. Inspired in large part by Hardison Mill School, built by Rory Feek for his daughter Indiana, Marlin and Lisa are bringing a 140(ish)-year-old one-room schoolhouse from a neighboring county onto their homestead where it will be restored to its original purpose, and this is only the beginning. They also publish Plain Values magazine to highlight homesteading/simple living, anchored community, biblical ministries, adoption, and children with special needs. Follow their journey at www.juneberryhillschoolhouse.com, and learn more about the magazine at www.plainvalues.com!

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