Man in a buckwheat field

Eden Foods

Joyous Revival – Whole Grain Interest in natural food has encouraged a revival of traditional whole grain as food. After dozens of studies, the medical community and U.S….


Joyous Revival – Whole Grain

Interest in natural food has encouraged a revival of traditional whole grain as food. After dozens of studies, the medical community and U.S. government now acknowledge the irrefutable role of whole grain in health. Appreciation of whole grain food is common again and growing. Real organic whole grain, like Eden Flakes and Eden Müesli are the the correct choice. Whole grain causes the body to burn 25% more calories. They have excellent protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Whole grain subdues appetite by satisfying longer and more thoroughly. Whole grain assists one’s weight management, while encouraging well-being, mental acuity, and longevity.

Vital Integrity Preserved

The three components of whole grain, bran, germ, and endosperm come with multiple phytonutrients necessary for their complete utilization. Real organic Eden Whole Grain and Cereals are pure, natural whole grain. Their vital integrity is maintained.

Thoughtfully grown, handled, and prepared, the nutrients of Eden Flakes and Eden Müesli are encouraged and protected. A full spectrum of rejuvenating nourishment provides needed protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and a bounty of critical phytonutrients with essential fats in proper amounts. Eden Flakes and Eden Müesli porridge provide bracing energy, setting a positive tone and a centered disposition for any day.

Enormous Benefit

Real organic whole grain like Eden Whole Grain, Cereals, and Flours are the finest, best tasting whole grains from sustainable local supply.

Elizabeth Gilbert of Tufts’ School of Nutrition Science and Policy writes in Tufts’ Nutrition Daily, “Grains have received bad press recently. But only claims that refer to refined grains, those that make up the ‘typical’ American diet can be considered true. When you’re talking about whole grains, it is a whole different story.” She further states, “Not only is refined grain devoid of several beneficial nutrients, but its glycemic index is increased. The glycemic index measures the rate at which carbohydrates break down into sugar once they are eaten. When you eat a food with a high-glycemic index, you will feel less full than if you ate a food with a lower glycemic index. But not all grain products have a high-glycemic index. Whole grain products, and other high-fiber foods, have low-glycemic indexes, whereas refined grains, grains that are stripped of fiber, have high-glycemic indexes. When grains get ‘bad press,’ it is based on the premise that they have a high-glycemic index.”


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