63 million. That’s how many babies have been killed because of the Roe vs. Wade decision 50 years ago. My dad and I attended a pro-life event in Washington DC many years ago where more than a million people gathered… it was an ocean of folks! Like many have said recently, they didn’t believe they’d live to see the day Roe vs. Wade was struck down, and yet it happened on June 24, 2022. The only thing I can say is Praise the Lord!
As joyful as the decision makes me, it leaves me with a question. Several actually. Will the Church at large, those same people waving their pro-life banners or shouting slogans, be willing to step up to the plate today, next week, and next year? Will the Church be willing to extend grace and mercy to post-abortion women? Will the Church open their arms and homes to women who want to raise their babies but need support to do so? Will Christians be willing to put aside their own fears, questions, excuses, etc., and adopt children who are being placed by their birth families?
We are staring opportunity in the face to be salt and light to a drowning culture unaware of the reality of what they are part of and where it leads. It’s time to stop talking and get to work. We know where God stands on this. Now is not the time to condemn. Now is the time to extend grace, step up, and stand in the gap. Eternity watches, and souls hang in the balance.
As always, may you find joy in the simple things.
Plain Values Publisher
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