Two Advertising Options to Choose From

Plain Values Magazine

Plain Values magazine is read by our paid subscribers. However, when you place an ad in Plain Values it also gets placed in every issue of The Plain Pages, our sister-publication that gets mailed specifically to Amish readers free-of-charge. By doing this, you reach our entire community of 46,500 households across all 50 states.

The Plain Pages

The Plain Pages is our sister-publication that allows our advertisers to target the Amish by specific regions. The Plain Pages is mailed monthly, free-of-charge, to over 42,000 Amish homes across our four regions.

“We have been advertising for many years with Plain Values because it works! Just this year we have experienced over a 400% ROl on our marketing dollars spent with Plain Values. They produce a beautiful magazine with extremely insightful and thought provoking articles. I always look forward to reading through my copy when it comes in the mail.”

Jennifer Lane

A few of the brands we’ve worked with

Interested in Advertising with Us? Reach out below.