An Update from NiK’s Heart of Hope

Some of you may remember Nik from Nik’s Heart of Hope (NHOH)—connected with Lost Sparrows. He’s the young man with a ginormous heart for serving and spreading God’s…


Some of you may remember Nik from Nik’s Heart of Hope (NHOH)—connected with Lost Sparrows. He’s the young man with a ginormous heart for serving and spreading God’s love who worked to collect and crush aluminum cans to exchange for money at the recycling center. That money turned into donations and grants for needy organizations. Well, he’s still at it!

NHOH continues to partner with organizations like Helping Hands Healing Hearts in the Philippines whose mission is to provide care and advocate for children in crisis situations. Recently, they were awarded the first ever NHOH Hero Award.

In Bosnia, NHOH is partnered with Servis Centar Dajte Nam Šansu. Their mobile van provides support services to nearly 900 families through transportation and delivering food, personal care supplies, and other materials. Dajte Nam Šansu is also building a new center that will be able to provide overnight respite services, therapy, and other training opportunities for children, adults, and families.

Another group of incredible people is serving in Bulgaria with the Foster Care Support Project. They advocate for the foster children and provide therapy services, children’s events at the church, and care packages—diapers, formula, toys, food, tansportation, respite services, and so much more. Their work helps to transform the way foster children and families are cared for.

Not only is Nik working to support people all over the world, he practices that genuine love for others in everyday life. Recently, Nik’s mom received a phone call from the assistant principal who was alerted to a situation in which Nik was being mocked for the way he walks and talks. When the principal called Nik to her office to ensure he was okay and let him know that the school would be talking with those boys, Nik asked that she show mercy. He said it was an opportunity to show Jesus and help the boys learn that it’s not okay to make fun of people because God created us to be different. Nik didn’t want the boys to get into trouble. What a beautiful picture of how graciously the Lord cares for us, and, in turn, gives us the opportunity to give that same love and mercy to someone else.

NHOH’s mission is to meet the tangible needs of vulnerable children and families because every child deserves the opportunity to thrive. If you would like to help support NHOH and their partner organizations, please send your donation made out to Room to Bloom and mark NHOH in the memo line. You can also learn more at “We can’t thank you enough for your support, as there’s no way the grants would be possible without it!”


Support Nik through Room to Bloom! Every donation helps!



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Room to Bloom’s mission is to promote the beauty of adoption and to ascribe dignity to people with Down syndrome and other special needs. We do this by partnering with organizations that are dedicated to orphan care and adoption advocacy, strengthening families who have children with special needs, and giving a voice to the vulnerable.




Interested in Adoption?

The process of adoption can be quite complex and confusing. If you have any questions about adoption, please contact:
Judy Williams | Adopt Global Services | 800-957-9384 | 2046 Rushmore Ct., Bel Air, MD 21015
Caring for Kids, Inc. | 800-254-1725 |

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