It is hard to believe, but October marks the first anniversary of our non-profit, Room to Bloom. When I look back over these last ten years and trace the Lord’s work up to this point, I simply have to shrug my shoulders in awe. It is a wonderful joy to live life knowing who’s ultimately in control down to the smallest details. I don’t want to open a can of worms debating the levels of our free will and God’s sovereignty, but there is such peace to be found when we rest in Him with the paths of our lives.
I want to sincerely thank every one of our readers who have trusted us and believed in our work. In the first year, we have helped fund six adoptions, paid for multiple surgeries, poured money into organizations bringing awareness of the needs and training for families engaged in and caring for children with special needs around the world. Our team and I are chomping at the bit to share the stories of the families who have adopted little boogers with an extra chromosome and much more in the coming year.
Until next month, thank you again.
Marlin Miller
Room to Bloom’s mission is to promote the beauty of adoption and to ascribe dignity to people with Down syndrome and other special needs. We do this by partnering with organizations that are dedicated to orphan care and adoption advocacy, strengthening families who have children with special needs, and giving a voice to the vulnerable.
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