Homestead Roots - Homemade Window Cleaner

Homemade Window Cleaner

words by: Merissa A. Alink The other day I realized I had run out of window cleaner. The sun was shining brightly and highlighted all the rain spots…


words by: Merissa A. Alink

The other day I realized I had run out of window cleaner. The sun was shining brightly and highlighted all the rain spots and fingerprints. Not wanting to go to the store, I did some quick research and tried several formulas. The following is the recipe I found works the best and really does leave a clean, streak-free finish.

What You Need: 

  1 Cup water

  1/4 Cup rubbing alcohol

  3 T. vinegar

What You Need (Alcohol Free): 

  1 Cup water

  1/2 Cup rubbing alcohol

  A few drops of essential oil, pieces of orange peel, or lemon rind


Combine all of the ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake well before using. 

The rubbing alcohol helps the water to evaporate more quickly, but if preferred, an alcohol-free formula also works well (see above).

Making homemade cleaners is a great way to save money and keep harmful chemicals out of your home. There are many recipes available made with common household ingredients that can be changed to meet personal preferences.

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