Market to the Amish, Holmes Countty Ohio, White Siding, Black roof, Green fields,

Amish and the Health and Wellness Industry

What is the relationship of the Amish and the Health and Wellness Industry? The key to reaching cash-paying customers Since the health and medical industry has learned it…


What is the relationship of the Amish and the Health and Wellness Industry?

The key to reaching cash-paying customers

Since the health and medical industry has learned it can be a win-win to have prompt-pay customers– clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies have begun to market themselves to such customers and give substantial discounts for service. The Amish are known for being exactly that kind of customer.

The problem is, the main forms of marketing we all use today is totally outside the realm of the Amish. All that money spent advertising online, on city billboards, or on the radio will completely miss the eyes and ears of the Amish. If you want to reach these cash-paying customers, you have to enter their world in the form of old-school print marketing. Although Amish are very conservative in their reading, they do have a monthly source they trust to bring them good, wholesome content every month. That source is Just Plain Values, a favorite magazine among the Amish.

Using Just Plain Values— hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies can market to 280,000 Amish across America, or they can simply reach their local Amish community if they wish. Through advertising or even a Business Spotlight Article inside the magazine, Amish can learn about your organization and any product or service you have available.

Contact us if you’d like to reach this cash-paying market.


Summary of Stats:

Families regularly visit:

Chiropractor: 56%
Dentist: 43%
Eye Doctor: 42%
Medical Doctor: 23%
Naturalist: 11%

An average of 4 members per family take health supplements

70% regularly purchase health supplements
6% of households don’t take health supplements
58% prefer a combination of both Traditional & Alternative Medicine
21% prefer Alternative Medicine
13% prefer Traditional Medicine
6% have sought medical treatment outside the USA


JPV Total Readership:

Mailed to 40,000 homes
Estimated 280,000 people

Do readers look at advertisements in JPV?

Yes: 97%
No: 2%

Have readers contacted a business as a result of a JPV ad?

Yes: 48%
No: 49%

Have readers purchased a product/service as a result of a JPV ad?

Yes: 32%
No: 62%


Statistics were gathered from 2,006 Amish homes in a 2017 survey.